
Sunday, May 12, 2013

3-Day Diet Menu

Since December 2012 after final exam I went home, something told me I have to start dieting. arh not what something, my mum lar. She was so shocked seeing me when I went back home, so plump. I was 54kg then, right after my final exam. I was around 51-52kg before that, I suppose it is all because of the KOI that I had almost everyday. Some more I would always like to have the LARGE one (else NOT SHIOK).

btw i know i know, no matter 51-52kg or 54 are considered VERY NOT SLIM ady. haha..

During December holidays, nothing much has been done, since I was at home all the way, I was still 54kg. sibehfat fuck. Then when school started around mid Jan, I started my strict diet. 1200kcal per day + lotza cardio, xtraining and treadmill, when it went to night I just went jogging at track. btw I enjoyed those exercise but not the 1200kcal everyday. (some girls can easily take less than 1200kcal everything if they only take 2 meals, but the thing is I am not those who could sleep long hours everyday until skipping breakkie. 3 full meals to me is very essential so 1200kcal to be divided into 3 meals is considered challenging.) I was once down to 51kg, using 1200kcal + cardio. btw i tried 郑多燕 too, omg the figurobic (with mat) is killing me I can't even do half set of it.

yea 51kg (my dream kg is 43kg), okie lah at least it is a very good effort and result withn 1 month. However the bloody hell stuff came when it came to CNY. I was seriously starved everyday (oh my appetite is huge no kidding, since i was young), and when I went back to home OMGOSH all those 年饼 were just everywhere, so much variety. OMFG I didnt care anything and just ate like SIAO since i think i could just cut a few KGs after that.

dangdang dang I went back school after CNY hols with bloody 54kg again. And what happened then? FYP  intense lab work came. haha. no more strict diet no more exercise. (ok lah, once awhile, a day or two perhaps). I started having abnormal eating habit by eating lotza lotza lotza junk food eg bread biscuits biscuits biscuits biscuit ok lah the main thing is biscuits. After 3 days stuffing myself with biscuits then I will have 1 day strict diet to bring me back (mentally, at least). I had some sort of eating disorder I think. I just cant stop thinking about what food I shall have all the time. I admit that I do love any kind of food, but this time this has gone too far. I seriously think i need counselling. Then my KG was fluctuating between 52kg -54kg (sometimes after meal, 55kg). The thing is, I have changed my diet too abruptly, my body became very insensitive to the amount of food i have taken as well as calories that I burn during exercise. Losing weight became very hard to me. I have to overcome the eating disorder and then put myself back to the exercise track again.

Okie, now right, I think i still have some sort of eating disorder when my determination collapses. haha. ya days ago when I was having my last few papers in school (i think 6-8 May), I had biscuit biscuit bread bread diet, until super full that kind. So i assumed I was 54kg on 9 May, assumed.

Okie, then I think I got no excuse not to go on a serious diet as I have no more exam no more lab work (except FYP presentation lah, that 1 okie la should not be made an excuse). I start announcing about my diet stuff to ppl (not on fb yet LOL scared) so I won't have any excuse to retreat. (and also BYEBYE EATING DISORDER)

Days ago, I discovered a famous diet menu in Taiwan which lasts only 3 day and claims that it could reduce 4kg in 3 days. This sounds exaggerated. I looked for reviews and found that generally people can cut at 1 - 3kg using this menu without having big change of the food and amount inside. Then I started it on 9 May 2013 and I did some small changes.

Here comes the menu:

I did not have any vanilla ice cream bcuz  I could not find it in school. I do not want it too, haha. hmm, generally I had slightly more than these in the menu, really slightly. I use a few pieces of pork to replace tuna can and hotdog. Basically these food is not filling to me at all, especially lunch. Look at the lunch on Day2, it almost killed me. What I did is to delay my lunch to around 2pm which is nearer to dinner lah. HAHA. Dinner is fine if sleep earlier, but i didnt, so...suffer lor.

Dang dang, today is the 3rd day, I really have to 谢天谢地 as I really completed it without eating much more. (Oops, just now during dinner I had extra 1/2 cup of oats, cuz I have to stay up late for presentation  preparation). I cant wait to weigh myself right after dinner then....52.5kg!!! This is encouraging, people, as the more accurate weight should be weighed tomorrow morning (which will be lighter) instead of right after dinner. I think I could go less that 52kg tomorrow morning. C:

I will start my round 2 on 14 May after resting for 1 day and this is way easier than what I expect. I will do it along with exercise too. I expect to go less than 50kg by 18 May. I will be visiting Vietnam on 18 May for a week. If i could go with <50kg, I seriously hope that I can come back with less than 1kg weight gain. CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL. Then finally, I hope I could say bye bye to 5Xkg FOREVER.

HELLO 4Xkg!!!! C: C:

Saturday, May 4, 2013


我在这里默默宣布我现在正式开始减肥... (啊哈哈到底开始多少次了啊啊啊哈


Sunday, November 18, 2012

wish list for now:
1. new specs
2. Kanken bagpack
3. Bamboooo!!
4. Pipa
5. laptop
6. Phone Case
7. Bottle

Saturday, November 17, 2012

when I have made conclusion

时间很紧迫不过我总是没有要读书的心,来到第四年才愿意承认自己真的不是什么读好书的料。在现在这个地步我怎样的成绩结果都会接受了! 哈哈不强求真的是尽力就好,然后我的日子有好好过就好。


然后承认自己最近真的很罗嗦。明知道说过后会吐血并且非常后悔,我还是很爱以hey this is for your own good 的出发点循循善诱的告诉别人一些事情(我愚蠢地以为会受到关注/我太高估别人&自己)。老实说,到现阶段,我真真的看清事情,然后不会在自己去抹一鼻子灰了因为这些乱七八糟的事情根本对我不会有什么影响的阿!!!我在那边紧张生气不爽什么。想说,不管是什么角色,如果自己不愿意小小努力一点哪也没资格要求别人做你想要别人做的事情啊!如果一件事情涉及超过一个人,那么每个人都应该付出平均的一点来让大家每一个人都开心满意觉得受到尊重啊。我以前也是倔强自恃高不屑别人说的话但几年过去了我看到了自己的丑陋我有真地开始学习,一点一点地,最重要的是当有状况发生,我学会了先反省一下自己而不是先怪别人,因为我很懦弱的害怕没有朋友:)我觉得有条件不用反省自己的人只有不怕没有朋友的人!(真的有这样的人的!)


Thursday, September 20, 2012







常常觉得好多好多乌烟瘴气的东西堆在心里,说不出原因只觉得我应该是真的没事的吧! I am just feeling so so so stuck. again,不要强说愁啊年轻小孩

--我对什么都失去信心了。靠自己ba,我会知道更多的,时间一过,手上捉有东西的是我啊。 是我自己选择的我不要伤心 I know I'm blessed.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

it popped

That feeling returned to me. Do you believe. I sense it, without knowing what it would be, whom would it be. Hello please come to me, i would like to know, please stay here

Monday, May 7, 2012

keep thinking...


Finally I've really started thinking about my future I hope it ain't too late(?) And thru this I found that I don't really have any significant interest or strength LOL and I don't even know what my final target of living is. It's serious problem but I know it would never be too late to start looking for it. So I did really spend timing to figure out WHO I AM WHAT I NEED WHATS MY TARGET WHATS MY RESPONSIBILITY ETCETC. However the outcome is not there yet. It's ok, I don't mind giving myself more time. I have one more study year.

There are many many different saying about these things. Some would say what a good student good child must do is to set parents and family free from earning and bearing the burden ASAP (?) Some would say if family do not urgently need your financial support it's not a must for you to get a job ASAP after graduation (?) Some would say no matter how interest is the 1st thing to consider when looking for job....(?) Oops there are way too many.

I used to believe the very first whatever saying that I come across and I would stick myself to it no matter if it suits my case. I am always lack of my own thought and following others blindly :( I think that what I've known are always too tooo tooooooo little to make good decision and eventually to lead a good life of mine. It's ok it's ok...........I know it then I can solve it !! Before I can get myself orientated in somewhere, I should learn to believe and understand myself, as well as my need. Noone else can know me better than I. And there will not be any good model for me to exactly copy and apply to my life. HEY this is MY life kays.

(I used to try to find a good model and intend to copy exactly. How stupid I am.)

Don't panic I keep telling myself, It would never be too late. Slowly slowly, don't hurt the little tiny brain that I used more in studying instead of thinking any other stuffs.

It's ok, It's Ok. Must get rid of my laziness and earn $ for Taiwan trip :)

I have friends and family around. blissed